Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Othello Act:2 Scene:1

"The Moor, howbeit that I endure him not,/Is of a constant, loving, noble nature,/And I dare think he'll prove Desdemona/A most dear husband" (2.1. 288-291).

"Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me/For making him egregiously an ass" (2.1. 308-309).

Iago knows that Othello is a good man. He clearly respects Othello, but does not want to admit it. Iago shows the soft side of himself when he mentions how Othello will thank him when he tells him about the "misdeeds" Cassio has committed. Iago wants Othello to like him more than anybody else. That seems to be the main reason behind Iago's evil plans besides the assumptions he makes of Othello sleeping with his wife and other possible reasons. It could be true, but Iago can not assume something like that. Iago does not realize how much damage he will cause if his "plan" works. Othello would not be able to trust any of the people he loves and would be heartbroken. It would not be fair to Othello especially because he does a lot for the people of Cyprus and is looked up to by everybody. Iago needs to stop using Roderigo and get his head straight.

Is Desdemona really falling for Cassio?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Othello Act:1 Scene:3

"That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter,/It is most true; true I have married her" (1.3. 78-79).

"And I a heavy interim shall support/By his dear absence. Let me go with him" (1.3. 253-254).

"If virtue no delighted beauty lack,/Your son-in-law is far more fair than black" (1.3. 284-285).

Othello shows his honesty when he fearlessly tells Brabantio the truth. He even swears his life on it, showing how much he cares about Desdemona. Desdemona also shows her passionate love for Othello, telling Brabantio she had already planned on staying with Othello even if it meant going to the war with him. Othello and Desdemona are in love, but I hope it is not a simple infatuation. Othello sounds very noble to his country and respectful to the people around him. The Duke does not show any racism towards Othello. He even supports Othello after Othello humbly tells him of how Desdemona fell in love with him. The Duke also mentions Othello must be more fair than black, telling the audience we should not judge a person by their color because a person may be more intelligent or polite than we think. All Brabantio has a problem with is Othello's color, which is a terrible thing. He definitely would not have a problem with Othello if Othello was white. Iago completely ruins the mood of the scene. He is a cuniving backstabbing friend, who is clearly only in it for himself. Iago is just plain greedy for being jealous of Cassio's position and is being stupid by taking it out on Othello. Othello was being too thoughtful towards his "friend" when he trusted Iago with Desdemona. Roderigo turns out to be an even bigger idiot who can't think for himself. He easily gives up without even making the effort!

Will Iago's plan work?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Seperate Peace Ch.13

"You have to do what you think is the right thing, but just make sure it's the right thing in the long run, and not just for the moment" (199).

"I never killed anybody and I never developed an intense level of hatred for the enemy. Because my war ended before I ever put on a uniform; I was on active duty all my time at school; I killed my enemy there" (204).

Brinker's dad is completely right when he makes the statement about thinking something through before doing it. Some things that we do may hurt us in the long run and Gene is one good example of it. He should have realized this before causing Phineas to lose his ability to walk! If he thought before jouncing the limb, then Phineas would have been alive and ready to go to war with Gene. Gene was a complete idiot throughout most of the book, but now Gene is telling us he learned from his mistakes when he talks about killing his "enemy". I thought he was talking about Phineas at first, but then I realized he might be talking about himself. He fought and killed the boy inside of him who was jealous of his best friend, Phineas. The boy who caused Phineas pain and suffer because of his jealousy. Gene is not that boy anymore. He fought that person out of him and will fight for the right things now. Phineas was very important to Gene and I hope that Gene doesn't make the same mistake he made with Phineas to somebody else.

Will Gene ever admit to the mistakes he made without trying to avoid them?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Seperate Peace Ch.12

'"It's the leg again. Broken again. But a much cleaner break I think, much cleaner. A simple fracture." He found the light switch and the foyer was plunged to darkness" (180).

"I felt that I was not, never had been and never would be a living part of this overpoweringly solid and deeply meaningful world around me" (186).

"I could not escape a feeling that this was my own funeral" (194).

The ending of this chapter was such a shock. When I read the first quote, I thought it could possibly foreshadow a death because the light switch "plunged to darkness" once they got Finny out of the room. It stood out to me because the wording was so strong for an action that simply dealt with shutting the lights off. It reminded me of the line Leper said in the last chapter when he said,"The two of them looked black as--as black as death standing up there with this fire burning all around them" (174). I really didn't expect Phineas to die. It was such a surprise! Phineas was completely torn and shattered at first. Then he just completely broke and died. I was so proud of him when he expressed his feelings to Gene. Phineas was just so overwhelmed! Poor kid. Gene is still stupid though. He finally realizes that life isn't always the way you want it to be. Gene finally accepted the fact he can't keep trying to be like everybody else and as hard as he tries, he will still be Gene Forrester. The last quote I chose concluded Gene and Phineas' friendship. Phineas was Gene's best friend, his partner in crime, and pretty much his everything. I would feel the same way Gene did if Phineas was my best friend. Phineas was in so much pain inside and nobody bothered to care. Gene is an unexplainable, terrible friend. He shouldn't even be called a friend! This was such a sad chapter. It was too tragic. I can't believe it! Couldn't somebody else die instead of Phineas?!? Fortunately though, Phineas will rest in peace away from pain, war, and bitterness.

Did Gene change in this chapter? He realized a lot of things about himself and his poor friend, Phineas. I think he might have.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Seperate Peace Ch.11

"You do whatever anyone wants whenever they want it. You be the fool now. Bastard" (176).

'"You get all the facts!" I had never seen Finny crying, "You collect every f-ing fact there is in the world!" He plunged out the doors' (177).

"Then these separate sounds collided into the general tumult of his body falling clumsily down the marble stairs" (177).

Too much is going on in this chapter. It's crazy! Brinker is such a random character and causes the most havoc. He is pulling Gene and Phineas apart from each other! Brinker has no right to get into a person's relationship like that. If he's afraid of going to war, then he should just admit it. He can't just go on to accuse Gene and make assumptions of Phineas. What the hell! Somebody should just slap him. Brinker may be caring for Gene's wellness and all, but he's causing an emotional catastrophe! In a way it's not a bad thing because Phineas and Leper are beginning to realize things that they should have realized awhile ago. Poor Phineas. He doesn't need to hear all this crap all over again. Gene should feel beyond terrible! He's finally enjoying Phineas, but he forgets about Phineas' pain. Gene is still in it for himself as he goes along with Phineas who is struggling to remember what happened that day. Just because Phineas doesn't show his pain, doesn't mean he isn't hurting inside. It's extremely hard to even come to the truth that your best friend actually wanted to hurt you. Now that Phineas realizes this, he can't do anything but cry! It's so sad. Phineas just doesn't deserve these inconsiderate people. One thing I enjoyed was when Leper finally stood up to Brinker. It was needed badly whereas poor Phineas got a reality check that crushed him. On top of that, he FALLS! One thing almost everybody knows is that Phineas can not fall another time. He is just starting to get better! Phineas doesn't deserve any of this! It's not FAIR! Brinker is an idiot for getting into other people's business and I really hope Gene uses that anger of his to beat the hell out of him.

Is Phineas okay? I hope so.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Seperate Peace Ch.10

"The careful politeness he had always had was gone" (142).

'"I escaped!" the word surging out in a voice and intensity that was not Leper's' (143).

"None of this could have been said by the Leper of the beaver dam" (143).

Phineas comes back with a new attitude towards life and now Leper has "escaped" from the brutal war, losing his ambitious personality. Leper has all of a sudden become so defensive. He even brings up the accident with Phineas as he tries to defend himself. Leper is a boy who has gone through quite a bit during his time in the war. He experienced a lot and is pretty much scarred with it. Leper is an entirely new person now. Unfortunately, he has nobody to talk to about this brutal experience. Nobody has gone through what he did and saw. It is not fair to Leper and definitely out of line when Gene flips out at him. Leper is ill. Gene still shows that selfish side of him as he rudely says to Leper how he doesn't care because it doesn't have anything to do with him. Gene's not changing. It's the people around him. Clearly, he's not getting the picture! Gene could have been a little more sensitive towards Leper. Just because Gene hasn't experienced such tragedy like Leper and Phineas, does not mean he can act like he's superior to everybody else. Gene's a jerk. Leper considered him as a close friend and Gene completely stabs him in the back, leaving Leper in the cold.

Has Gene's character changed at all? I'm beginning to think not.