Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Essential Question #3

How is Wealtheow portrayed? What does she do? What can we expect of Anglo- Saxon women?

Wealtheow is Hrothgar's queen. Since she is the queen, she is "adorned with gold [and a] proud woman" (606). When the men came to the feast, Wealtheow greeted them "mindful of ceremon[y]" (605) and "offered the cup to the Danish king" (608). She sounds more like a servant than a queen, acting as if she has to follow certain orders . Wealtheow spends most of the time "offering the [...] cup [and] welcom[ing]" (612-617) her guests. We can conclude that Wealtheow is a hospitable woman. She acts in a manner as if it is her job to take care of the guests. We can assume that this is what is expected from Anglo- Saxon women. They must care for their guests and keep order while their husbands enjoy themselves.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Essential Question #2

What are the social obligations of a hero?

The social obligations of a hero are to be a role model, make a difference, and be a modest person. As a hero, all eyes will be upon this person. A hero is one who children look up to and strive to become. Thus, a hero needs to act accordingly and always be a respectable human being. A hero needs to be aware of the injustices of his or her community and take a stand to improve what is necessary. Not only does this apply to one's community, but also to the world. No matter how far a place is, one always has the power to make a difference. It is only a matter of taking action, which is why a hero is important to society. The hero will set an example for others to follow. Modesty is also key in a hero. If a hero is not modest, then people will not give the hero the respect he or she deserves. A hero should not feel the need to take credit for a good deed. A hero should do things out of the kindness of his or her heart, not for publicity. For those who want to be a hero, strive for justice because the goodness that you bring to your people will be the reward in return.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Essential Question #1 (Part A)

How do we create division in our society?

Money plays a huge role in dividing our society. If one is paid more than another, then one is better, wealthier, at a higher status, and respected. A wealthy man can invest a large sum of money for his child's education, whereas a poor man, who is struggling to make enough money to put food on the table for his kids, will not be able to. Thus, the wealthier man's child will have the upper hand in education compared to the poor man's child who will not. Eventually, this will lead to the wealthy child receiving an ample amount of opportunities to succeed further in his education unlike the poor child, who will struggle to work extensive hours in order to help his father make money. Not only does the wealthy man obtain a higher status by being paid a lot, but his child will live on a higher status and never suffer the pains of work.

Another area in which divisions are created is in school. Whoever has the most friends is considered popular. All the kids will want to be that person's friend. When this happens, the popular kid's status elevates. Due to this elevation, other kids are looked upon at a lower level. School sports are also divided. Although ten girls are on a team and attend practice every day, there will be a few girls who will play a lot better at the sport. Those few girls will get the most playing time on the court, causing a divide between the "starters" and the "bench warmers".

On a last note, because there are so many divisions in society, people strive to be on the better half. Due to this, there is a competitiveness that spreads among co-workers for a promotion, students for the top of their class, or applicants to be admitted into college. Looking on the other side of the spectrum, if there were no divisions in society, there would be no sports teams, no principal of a school to watch over things, or students having a desire to strive for the best due to the lack of incentive. How would society adjust or react?