"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness; only power, pure power" (263).
The Party is acting like spoiled little children only thinking of themselves. They are the puppeteers and the rest of society are the puppets. None of the people in Oceania are really alive. They are all dead. Power, according to O'Brien can only be handled collectively, not individually. When a person dies, the power of the Party remains the same. People are coming in and out of the Party keeping it alive. The Party members are heartless, cruel people who have gone to a great extent to do more than simply brainwash the citizens of Oceania. The power is making the Party members insane. Winston is really the only human being among them all. The people of Oceania have no thought or feeling and the Party has control over everything just by simply inflicting pain on an innocent human being. There is not one person in this world who would find pleasure in watching somebody screaming in pain as the joints in their body pull apart. O'Brien and the other Inner Party members like him are not human. They are a bunch of lunatics trying to take over the world. The Party is really not intelligent. They make things up when they feel like it and get everybody else to believe in it too. If some do not believe in it, then all the Party needs to do is make them believe in it with pain.
Despotism (268): n. absolute power or control; tyranny.
Contemptible (268): adj. deserving of or held in disdain; despicable.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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