Monday, October 5, 2009

Fallacy Examples

Hasty Generalization: The white person next door told me I do not belong in America because I am brown. All white people are very ignorant.

Stereotype: There was a black boy sleeping in my English class. All black kids are lazy and unintelligent.

Cause and Effect: It was pouring rain outside. That is why I received a poor grade on my Math test!

Only Cause: We can stop under-aged drinking by putting the kids that violate this rule in juvenile detention for ten years.

False Analogy: Like a squirrel scavenging for nuts before a winter blizzard, Tom is busy doing his homework before class starts!

Attacking the Person: The new girl told us to be quiet or we would get detention. Nobody bothered listening to her because everybody knows she is the teacher’s pet.

Either-Or Fallacy: You are either going to kiss me right now or this relationship is officially over!

Non-Sequitur: Only half my room is pink. If the other half is not pink, then there is no point in sleeping in it.

Circular Reasoning: She is very pretty with a great figure. All the guys think she is really attractive. You should make her President of the Student Council.

Begging the Question: Everybody knows consuming drugs make you look cool.

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